Agartala: The Tripura police on Saturday rescued three minors, from Dharmanagar in North Tripura and brought them home in Khowai district, a day after they left their houses allegedly over a fight with their parents and later went missing.
Dharmanagar police said they were alerted by the Khowai police about the missing children, and accordingly, a search operation was launched at different areas of the subdivision, including hotels, railway station, and other places.
Police said the three minors, including one girl and two boys, were rescued from Latugao village near the Dharmanagar railway station with the assistance of a local.
In their preliminary enquiry, police found that the minors, who are school students, are also neighbours. Police said apart from one boy, the other two had a fight at their home and left.
“They had planned to go to Guwahati from Dharmanagar…two of them were known to have domestic disputes with their parents, and the other boy just accompanied them. If they had moved to Guwahati, then it would be difficult for us to trace them…we handed them over to their parents after formalities”, said Dharmanagar sub-divisional police officer Debasish Saha.
Police said that no case has been registered in this regard at Dharmanagar.
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