Ahead of her wedding with Zaheer Iqbal, actor Sonakshi Sinha and her family conducted a pooja ceremony at Ramayana, her family house in Mumbai. Several pictures and videos of the bride-to-be and her parents – veteran actors Shatrughan Sinha and Poonam Sinha – emerged on social media platforms. (Also Read | Sonakshi Sinha will not convert to Islam after wedding, says Zaheer Iqbal’s father)
Shatrughan, Poonam, Sonakshi’s pooja ceremony
In a clip, Sonakshi Sinha was seen wearing a navy blue suit and light blue dupatta as she followed her mother towards a room. She tied her hair into a sleek bun. In another video, Poonam sat with a woman as she was seen performing rituals. However, the paparazzi were heard shouting and screaming thus interrupting the pooja ceremony.
Sonakshi strikes a pose, Poonam greets paparazzi
After attending the pooja, a smiling Sonakshi walked out of the room. She stuck her tongue out and flashed the victory sign before entering another building. Poonam Sinha, who walked behind her, folded her hands as the camera persons stationed at the venue congratulated her. She also mouthed, “Thank you.” For the pooja ceremony, Poonam wore a printed black suit and red dupatta.
Huma Qureshi, Saqib Saleem attend Pooja too
Poonam and Sonakshi were also seen having a conversation before they went for the pooja. Huma Qureshi and her brother Saqib Saleem also reached Ramayana for the ceremony. Sonakshi’s father, Shatrughan Sinha, also attended the pooja ceremony. He was seen in a denim shirt and matching pants.
Shatrughan smiles at paparazzi
In another video, Shatrughan and Poonam were seen leaving their home in a car. Shatrughan smiled and pointed at the paparazzi. A video was shared by a paparazzo on Instagram of a person bringing a gift and bouquet of flowers. It was sent by Sonakshi’s Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar co-star, Manisha Koirala.
About Sonakshi and Zaheer
Earlier on Saturday, several traditional outfits arrived at Sonakshi’s home. Recently, a few photos of Sonakshi and Zaheer from their mehendi ceremony surfaced on social media platforms. She opted for a red suit while Zaheer was seen in a printed red kurta and white pyjama. Just a couple of days ago, the actors enjoyed bachelor and bachelorette parties with their close friends.
Sonakshi and Zaheer have been tight-lipped about their relationship since their dating rumours surfaced. They starred in the 2022 film Double XL. While they have not publicly opened up about their love story, they have been seen sharing photos with each other on social media.
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