Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant has said the candidature of Pallavi Dempo will ensure BJP’s victory from South Goa Lok Sabha seat. The seat is currently held by the Congress’ Francisco Sardinha, who had defeated Narendra Sawaikar. Ms. Dempo’s name was announced by the ruling party late Sunday night.
“I extend my heartiest congratulations to Smt. Pallavi Dempo on her nomination as the @BJP4India Candidate for the South Goa Lok Sabha constituency. I am confident her fresh perspective and representation of the Nari Shakti under the dynamic leadership of Hon’ble PM Shri @narendramodi ji, coupled with diligence, commitment, shall ensure victory for BJP in South Goa,” the CM said on X.
Lok Sabha election live updates – March 25
“The Dempo family has served the people of Goa and the society for over a century, especially in the domains of education, sports and other fields. I am certain with the support and blessings of the people of Goa, Smt. Dempo will further propel the legacy ahead in service of the public & the State,” he added.
Criticising the decision to give a ticket to Ms. Dempo, Congress leader Yuri Alemao said the hard work of BJP’s workers had been “laid to rest”.
“Dedication, Sacrifice & Hardwork of Loyal Karyakartas is laid to rest by the pro-crony & anti-poor @BJP4India by giving South Goa Loksabha Ticket to an Industrialist. Clear reflection of helplessness of @BJP4Goa leadership before Dictators in Delhi,” the Leader of Opposition in the Assembly wrote on X.
AAP Goa chief Amit Palekar, in a social media message, said BJP gave a ticket to “imported candidate” Ms. Dempo as there was no capable candidate from the party’s Mahila Morcha.
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