Tamil Nadu Law Minister S. Regupathy on Saturday, March 16, 2024, said there would be no issues in the swearing-in of senior DMK leader and former Minister K. Ponmudy to re-induct him into the Cabinet, even after the dates for the Lok Sabha elections were announced.
“We have already sought sought time from Governor R. N. Ravi for the swearing-in ceremony. The Governor is returning from Delhi today (March 16) and we are hopeful he will give us a date,” he told reporters in Chennai.
“Even if the poll dates are announced, we [only] have to inform the Election Commission about the swearing-in, and there will not be any issues,” Mr. Regupathy said.
K. Ponmudy, former Higher Education Minister was disqualified as an MLA after the Madras High Court sentenced him to three years in jail in a disproportionate assets case in December last year. The Supreme Court stayed his conviction and sentence on Monday, March 11.
Following the Supreme Court’s verdict, Chief Minister M.K. Stalin had sought time from the Governor for the swearing-in ceremony of Mr. Ponmudy, to be held either on Wednesday or Thursday (March 13 or 14). However, the Raj Bhavan is reported to have sought a legal opinion from experts on this issue. The Governor had also left for Delhi on a three-day planned visit.
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