With the process of filing nominations for the Lok Sabha polls commencing from Wednesday, March 20, 2024, in Tamil Nadu, Chief Electoral Officer Satyabrata Sahoo has asked political parties to provide information on candidates with criminal cases, as per the prescribed format.
As per a judgement of Supreme Court, the Election Commission of India has given directions to be followed by candidates at elections to the Houses of Parliament and Houses of State Legislatures, he said, in a statement. As per these directions, candidates who have criminal cases against them, either pending cases or cases of conviction in the past, and political parties that nominate these candidates should publish a declaration to this effect for wide publicity in newspapers and on TV channels.
The declarations must be published on at least three different dates from the day following the last date for withdrawal of candidature, and up to 48 hours before the conclusion of the polls, in the prescribed formats, the statement said.
Recognised parties and registered unrecognised parties that nominate candidates with criminal cases are required to publish these declaration giving details in this regard for wide publicity on their websites, as well as on TV channels and newspapers, Mr. Sahoo said. Detailed instructions for these declarations are available on the website www.elections.tn.gov.in, he added.
Police personnel on deputation
Meanwhile, the State government issued a gazette notification stating the police personnel in Tamil Nadu performing election-related duties for the Lok Sabha polls and the by-poll for the Vilvancode Assembly constituency to be held on April 19, would be deemed to be on deputation to the Election Commission from the date of notification calling for the election and ending with the date of declaration of results. These personnel will, during this period, be subject to the control, superintendence and discipline of the Election Commission, it said.
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