Social media had been abuzz with excitement as Anant Ambani, the youngest son of Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani, and Radhika Merchant, daughter of industrialist Viren Merchant, celebrated their upcoming wedding with a grand celebration on a luxury cruise ship in May-end. Now, fresh photos of the groom’s elder sister and heiress Isha Ambani‘s looks from the festivities are out and even Katrina Kaif is impressed. Also read: See pics of Ranveer Singh, Sara Ali Khan from Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant’s cruise pre-wedding bash
Isha Ambani’s cruise style wows Katrina and fans
The actor commented on Isha’s three looks from the Ambani cruise that were shared by celebrity stylist Anaita Shroff Adajania on Instagram on Saturday. Isha was decked up in looks by top designers, including Gucci, Ashi Studio, Georges Hobeika, Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini. She was photographed on the cruise in beautiful settings as she showcased her three looks – a yellow and black dress, a fitted black gown and a sleek ivory outfit.
Sharing the photos, Anaita wrote, “Isha Ambani’s cruise looks 1, 2 and 3…” Actor Katrina Kaif commented, “Stunning (red heart emoji).” A comment also read, “The photography is insane.” Someone called Isha’s looks ‘perfection’, while another called her ‘iconic’.
More about the Ambani cruise
Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Salman Khan, MS Dhoni, wife Sakshi, and many other VIP guests were part of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s star-studded luxury cruise pre-wedding festivities. Among other events, the Ambani family hosted a lavish pre-wedding celebration in Italy, featuring a performance by Andrea Bocelli. Ambanis shut down an entire plaza in Portofino for the Anant-Radhika bash that had everyone from Shah Rukh Khan to Janhvi Kapoor in attendance.
The itinerary for the three-day luxury cruise in Europe boasted a picturesque 4,380 kilometre journey from Italy to the South of France and back. On May 29, the celebrations kicked off with a welcome lunch, followed by a ‘Starry Night’- themed evening gala.
On May 30, the guests landed in Rome for a touristy day out, followed by a dinner party and an after-party. On May 31, after a morning of festivities on cruise, the guests landed in Cannes for a masquerade bash, where Katy Perry performed. The festivities ended on June 1 at Portofino, Italy.
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