49 years ago, a certain Shivaji Rao Gaikwad made his debut in the Tamil film industry. Not many who have followed his career can forget that introduction scene in the 1975 blockbuster ‘Apoorva Raagangal’ where Rajinikanth pushes open a gate and walks into a bungalow. It was the moment when the Bengaluru-born actor walked into the hearts of thousands of Tamils, who, over the years, have idolised their ‘Superstar’, who has been at the very top over the last 40 years in the Tamil film industry.
Cut to 2024, another Gaikwad, from Maharashtra, has taken over the reins of the city’s favourite cricket team, the Chennai Super Kings. Ruturaj Gaikwad was elevated to the role of their captain after MS Dhoni stepped down on the eve of the IPL 2024 season. In 2020, his first year in the XI for the Super Kings, Ruturaj had a guest role. However, he has evolved into one of the mainstays of the team. His calm and composed demeanor seems to have attracted the attention of the decision-makers, MS Dhoni and Stephen Fleming. The big change was inevitable, and it was certain after the poor 2022 season that Ruturaj was one of the frontrunners to replace Dhoni.
Cricket and cinema have always been dear to the locals of the city and many of them are hoping that this Gaikwad goes on to become the darling of the masses.
“Ruturaj Gaikwad and Rajinikanth sir. They share the same surname. Both are Maharashtrians and both are popular in Chennai,” Harbhajan Singh said on-air last year.
It’s not going to be easy for Ruturaj Gaikwad. He has big shoes to fill. And he is replacing someone who will be leaving a lasting legacy when he decides to bring the curtains down on his celebrated IPL career.
But, like R Ashwin pointed out in his YouTube show on Thursday, MS Dhoni’s success is not Ruturaj Gaikwad’s burden. It’s the responsibility of the fans and the franchise to allow Ruturaj to ease into the role, enjoy the responsibility before thinking about the results.
Questions are being raised as to whether Dhoni could have led the Super Kings one more year and waited till the mega auction to inoke the succession plan again. However, head coach Stephen Fleming confirmed that Dhoni had earmarked Ruturaj for the role and that ‘Thala’ felt it was the right time to take a step back and handhold the 27-year-old while he is still around behind the wickets.
“I think it’s wrong to even wonder whether it’s a wrong decision from CSK. For Ruturaj, and the people around him, including his family, it’s a huge moment,” Ashwin said.
“It’s unbelievable. He is going to lead a team with such a rich legacy. It’s a huge burden, I agree. But I think it’s the responsibility of the fans to make Ruturaj enjoy the responsibility.”
“I know Ruturaj, he is extremely cool and calm. He is a very good human being. I am extremely elated for him,” Ashwin added, echoing the sentiment of quite a few in the cricket fraternity.
In a professional set-up, results are of paramount importance. But, the Super Kings would also know that they are now entering a transition period that might take time to produce the right results. The owners of the Super Kings have taken care of the administration of a well-oiled and robust league system in the city and they will know well that Ruturaj needs unflinching support to find his feet as the captain of the side.
The Super Kings will also be hoping that they are second time lucky. MS Dhoni had a similar succession plan in 2022. A day before the start of the season, he had stepped down and handed over the captain’s armband to Ravindra Jadeja. However, things did not work out, as expected. Jadeja quit midway through the season and handed the captaincy back to Dhoni, who led in the remainder of the season and in 2023 where Chennai won the title.
Head coach Stephen Fleming, speaking to the press on the eve of the big-ticket opener, conceded that the Super Kings were not ready for a change in 2022 and that they are better prepared this time.
“The big thing about 2022 was that we were not ready for MS to move aside, and what it did was probably shake us and it was pretty much unthinkable at that stage,” Fleming said.
“We have made sure that we work hard on, not to repeat the mistakes that were made back then. The leadership isn’t a secret. We’re making sure to have the right plans in place,” he added.
Chennai loved Dhoni, their ‘Thala’. Dhoni loved Chennai. The emotional bond between the two parties played out dramatically over the last 16 years. It will take some time for the fans to get into grips with the latest bombshell call. But, it’s also their responsibility to make the new captain feel at home.
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