Sonu Sood is all set to entertain fans his upcoming film Fateh, in which he also marks his debut as a director. The actor shared the teaser of the film on Saturday, and if it is any indication, viewers can expect an intense ride of jaw-dropping action, violence and intrigue. (Also read: Sonu Sood advocates for the rights of people with disabilities, urges government to prioritise their needs. Watch)
About Fateh teaser
The teaser begins with the caption, ‘Never underestimate a nobody.’ It then leans into a voiceover where Sonu Sood, who plays the titular character, is heard having a conversation with another person where he corrects that he did not kill 40 people on March 19, but 50. “You will never find those 10 bodies,” he adds menacingly.
When the other person asks if he has to say anything else, Sonu’s character says, “May their souls rest in peace.” When asked whether he thinks it was the right thing to do, he also adds, “One who is born will perish. Its the law of nature… They were trapped with me!” The teaser then adds the visuals where Sonu is seen from afar, where he gets ready for the killing spree on a grand scale. He is seen beating goons left and right, with no remorse. The teaser gives a blink-and-miss moment of Jacqueline Fernandez as well.
Sharing the teaser on his Instagram account, Sonu wrote: “Aa Raha Hoon (fire emoticon) #Fateh! Brace yourselves for the biggest action-packed thriller! Teaser out now. (Link in bio)” Farah Khan, who has directed Sonu in Happy New Year, commented on the post with, “Sonuuuuuuu.” She also shared the teaser on her Instagram Stories and sent her best wishes to the team.
Fan reactions
Reacting to the teaser, a fan commented: “Hero in real life and a villain on the big screen but now he is hero again in big screen.” Another said, “Directed by Sonu Sood… Seems like it will fateh (conquer) the theaters. Much excited.” A comment also read, “Woah! Sonu Sood is back.”
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