Hyderabad: Following the victory in the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in Andhra Pradesh, a video of TDP supremo and chief minister-elect N Chandrababu Naidu appearing to speak angrily in Telugu is circulating on social media. The accompanying claim suggests that Naidu lost his temper before the oath-taking ceremony of the NDA government.
A Facebook user shared the video, claiming in the caption that Naidu got angry. The text on the video reads, “Before the oath ceremony in the NDA alliance government, Naidu Ji was furious.” (Archive)
Fact Check
NewsMeter found that the claim is misleading as the video is from 2021.
On performing a reverse image search of the video’s keyframe, we found it published by V6 News Telugu on November 19, 2021, titled ‘Chandrababu Naidu Sensational Decision In AP Assembly.’ It shows Naidu speaking angrily in Telugu and walking out of the Assembly.
According to an NDTV report from November 19, 2021, Naidu walked out of the AP Assembly after harsh and derogatory verbal attacks on his wife, Bhuvaneswari. This occurred following sharp exchanges between the ruling YSR Congress and the opposition, including the TDP.
The report also mentioned that Naidu stated he was denied the opportunity to make a statement to defend his wife against the alleged personal remarks.
Notably, in prime minister Narendra Modi’s third term in 2024, the BJP’s largest ally in the NDA, the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), was allocated the Ministry of Civil Aviation. This ministry will be overseen by K Ram Mohan Naidu, son of veteran TDP leader Yerran Naidu. Guntur MP Chandra Sekhar Pemmasani has been appointed as the Minister of State in both the Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry of Communications.
Chandrababu Naidu was nominated as the new chief minister of Andhra Pradesh on Tuesday by the MLAs of his TDP, along with legislators from the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) allies, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Jana Sena Party. The TDP chief is scheduled to take his oath as CM on June 12 at 11:27 am at the Kesarapalli IT Park near Gannavaram Airport in Amaravati.
Hence, we conclude that the viral video of Naidu is from 2021. The claim is misleading.
Claim: The video shows TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu losing temper before the oath ceremony of the NDA alliance government.
Fact: The claim is misleading. The video shows Naidu walking out of the Andhra Pradesh Assembly after a heated exchange with the then ruling YSRCP.
Disclaimer: This story was originally published by Newsmeter, and republished by HT Digital as part of the Shakti Collective.
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