Alia Bhatt attended the Met Gala 2024 on May 6 (Tuesday, May 7 IST) dressed in a regal floral saree by Sabyasachi Mukherjee to honour the dress code of The Garden of Time. The mint green couture saree featuring an exaggerated 23-foot-long train garnered the attention of Alia’s desi fans and the international media, who dubbed her one of the night’s best-dressed stars. Additionally, details like hand-embroidered silk floss, beads, sequins, semi-precious stones, glass bead fringes, and handcrafted blouse studded with emeralds, Basra pearls, tourmalines and multi-coloured sapphires transformed Alia’s look absolutely regal.
While the internet loved Alia’s desi moment at fashion’s biggest night, it also brought Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif’s floral saree looks to the limelight.
Katrina Kaif had worn a similar-looking pastel tulle saree for her pre-wedding festivities with Vicky Kaushal in December held at Six Senses Fort Barwara in Rajasthan. Meanwhile, Deepika’s sheer tulle saree is the floral appliqué work number she wore for attending an award show in 2017. Both the sarees jogged the internet’s memory after Alia Bhatt’s appearance on the iconic stars of The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.
Katrina’s blush pink tulle saree features hand-cut English flowers embroidered by craftswomen from Bengal and liberally sprinkled with semi-precious gems and crystals. The ensemble took 40 artisans over 1800 hours to handcraft. Katrina styled it with a matching full-sleeved blouse, a statement uncut diamond choker, matching earrings, and a trailing veil handcrafted with floral designs. Additionally, Sabyasachi silhouetted her saree like a white wedding gown to honour the British heritage of the actor’s mother.
Meanwhile, Deepika‘s tulle saree features a light smattering of shimmery embellishment, an embroidered border, and an extended train, adding a hint of drama to the ensemble. She wore a matching nude drape, statement earrings, and a sleeveless blouse with a plunging neckline and similar floral embellishments to complement the saree.
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