The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Saturday alleged that Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal has lost eight kilograms since his arrest on March 21 this year. The party alleged that the medical board of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) recommended including ‘parathas’ and ‘puris’ in his diet, PTI reported.
The AAP in its statement claimed that Kejriwal weighed 70 kgs on the day he was arrested. It further claimed that the AAP convenor’s weight dropped to 63.5 kgs on June 2, the day he returned to Tihar jail after his interim bail granted by the Supreme Court ended.
AAP further claimed that Kejriwal’s weight further dropped to 62 kgs on June 22.
“The medical board of the AIIMS, in view of the dropping weight of Chief Minister Kejriwal, has recommended to include paratha and puri in his diet,” the party claimed in its statement.
The Aam Aadmi Party claimed that the AIIMS medical board got few blood tests of the CM conducted but the tests for heart ailments and cancer had not been carried out.
According to AAP, the doctors of Max Hospital had recommended some tests for Kejriwal in wake of his weight loss along with those for heart and cancer. The party said that the CM had sought an extension of his interim bail granted by the Supreme Court by another week after June 2 to get the tests conducted. But the apex court refused to extend the bail further.
The high court vacation bench of Justice Sudhir Kumar Jain said it would take two-three days to pronounce the order on ED’s stay application.
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